2024 Primary Election










David on the Issues

Secure the Border Now!

David supports the militarization of the border wall and mass deportations of illegal immigrants in Missouri. He is already taking action by releasing his bold new plan for Missouri to catch and detain illegal immigrants until deportation.

Protect Missouri Kids

No child should be indoctrinated, mutilated or exposed to transgender treatments or ideology. David was one of the first to file a bill to ban Critical Race Theory in schools.

Property Tax Relief & Fiscal Responsibility

David is a proven leader in the senior property tax freeze effort. Since the St. Louis County Council has failed us again, David sued Sam Page to ensure all senior citizens receive a permanent property tax freeze. He also has never voted for a tax increase and never will.

Unapologetically Conservative

David is firmly pro-life, pro-gun, and pro-Christian and he never backs down from protecting our conservative values. David sued Sam Page for unconstitutional closures of churches during COVID. He is releasing his new, pro-life plan for Missouri where families pay no income taxes if they have three children.

Protect Missouri land from China

We must protect Missouri farmland from foreign threats. While in the House of Representatives, David never voted to allow China to buy our farmland and never will.

David Gregory's Accomplishments

The first to file a bill for petition to recall Kim Gardner

One of the first to file to ban Critical Race Theory in schools

Successfully passed the Carjacking Bill

Has NEVER voted for a tax increase

Sued Sam Page for unconstitutional closures of churches during COVID